Manufacture of hardmetal cutting plates using barothermal self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
Вайцехович, С. М.
Михалевич, В. М.
Краєвський, В. О.
Краевский, В. А.
Vaitsekhovych, S. M.
Mykhalevych, V. M.
Kraievskyi, V. O.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ВМ [684]
A process for producing hardmetal cutting plates (synthetic cutting tool material) has been developed and implemented. It is established that the most rational and economically sound option is to introduce several die toolings with relevant service features in the manufacture of products by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Advantages of the factor characterizing stress stiffness have been revealed. They involve one-to-one correspondence between the values of this factor and possible cases of plane stress. Coordinates for analytical representation and geometrical interpretation of the limit state criteria are proposed.