КОМПАС 3D + FlowVision: моделирование рабочих процессов в пиролизной установке для утилизации отходов
Искович-Лотоцкий, Р. Д.
Иванчук, Я. В.
Веселовский, Я. П.
Іскович-Лотоцький, Р. Д.
Іванчук, Я. В.
Веселовський, Я. П.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ГМ [398]
- Наукові роботи каф. КН [825]
This article is devoted to theoretical investigation of thermal physical processes as the main working processes in a pyrolysis plant for waste disposal by the numerical simulation. Based on the developed to a certain CAD-system KOMPAS-3DV16 three-dimensional model of a pyrolysis plant, in the software package FlowVision 3.09.04 finite-volume element method defines the main dependence thermal and hydrodynamic parameters that allowed us to estimate the effectiveness of the developed design of heat exchangers and combustion chambers, post-combustion, cooling the pyrolysis plants waste and identify further promising directions for their improvement and modernization.