Real-time deformations of function-based surfaces using perturbation functions
Vyatkin, S. I.
Romanyuk, A. N.
Savytska, L. A.
Troianovska, T. I.
Dobrovolska, N. V.
Романюк, О. Н.
Савицька, Л. А.
Трояновська, Т. І.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ОТ [751]
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЗ [1384]
This paper presents an adaptive method for animating dynamic deformable objects
using geometric operations. Transformations of geometric objects are described for offsetting
and morphing. Free forms constructed on the basis of perturbation functions have the
advantage of spline-representation of surfaces, thus achieving a high degree of smoothness and
is an advantage of an arbitrary form for a small number of such perturbation functions. The
user interacts in real-time with the dynamic object through the control of a tool, attached to a
mouse device driven with forces derived from the method.