System of the SQL Injection Prevention
Voitovych, O. P.
Kupershtein, L. M.
Ostapenko, A. V.
Yuvkovetskyi, O. S.
Войтович, О. П.
Куперштейн, Л. М.
Остапенко, А. В.
Ювковецький, О. С.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
One of the most dangerous vulnerability in
cyberspace is SQL Injection. There is known approaches
to protect Web-applications against SQL Injection attacks
in the article. To improve the web software security it is
developed defense mechanism that protects web-resources
from SQL-injection performing. The system based on
machine learning for preventing SQLi attack is designed.
As a result it is received a software tool which allows to
protect web software from SQL-injection vulnerability.
Developed software tool allows user to protect his own
web-application from an attack with using SQL.