Optimized volume rendering using octree on a GPU
Vyatkin, S. I.
Romanyuk, A. N.
Romanyuk, O. V.
Kokushkin, V. М.
Вяткин, С. І.
Романюк, О. Н.
Романюк, О. В.
Кокушкін, В. М.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЗ [1342]
In this paper, we present a method for accelerating volumetric rendering based on the GPU.
Using the octal tree structure, it becomes possible skipping data that is not visible after applying the
transfer function. Therefore, if the rasterization is eliminated bottleneck.
Optimal ratio the parameters of the octal tree are determined by the rasterization phase and
the compromise between the number of rasterization operations and the data throughput. Because
octree depends on the transfer function, it must be recalculate when the transfer function changes.
The results show that parameters can be optimized for various graphics cards.