Information system for adaptive correction of newborns motor disorders
Kostishyn, S.
Zlepko, S.
Shtofel, D.
Azarhov, A.
Bychkov, V.
Lepokhina, H.
Goncharuk, S.
Костішин, С. В.
Злепко, С. М.
Штофель, Д. Х.
Гончарук, С. О.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
In this paper we consider the structure of the system for correction of newborns motor disorders. This system provides the restoration of newborns motor functions by electrical stimulation of the corresponding muscles. The effect of such stimulation is determined by the test influence on a donor, which has a normal development of the motor function. The resulting donor and recipient EMGs, which obtained during such influences, allow us to construct a strategy for the restoration of motor functions, to determine the progress of treatment, etc.