Інформаційно-аналітичні центри в управлінні інформаційною безпекою держави
Дудатьєв, А. В.
Войтович, О. П.
Миронюк, В. В.
Dudatyev, A. V.
Voitovych, O. P.
Mironyuk, V. V.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ЗІ [361]
Запропоновано модель «інформаційного портрету» об’єкта захисту від локального до держави. Наведена
схема інформаційного забезпечення інформаційно-аналітичного центру. На базі отриманих результатів
запропонована методологія побудови трьохрівневої політики безпеки, спрямованої на державу, регіон та
локальний об’єкт. The methodological basis of the informational-analytic center creation for the state information security management is
proposed. The analysis of the existing results upside of the informational-analytic center designing and information support definition in the
state management system is carried out. The approach on practical realization of two main tasks, namely assessment and assurance of the
information security certain level is proposed. Such approach allows to effectively implement the process of information security
management, that is, to implement appropriate situational models, algorithms, rules, etc. Information-analytical work is impossible without
effective information support. The analysis shows that the information security management of the state is a multilevel process. Today there
is no single understanding of this process, however. The reason is the lack of a consistent methodology of the state information security
management system. The methodological basis of the informational-analytic center creation for the state information security management is
proposed. The analysis of the existing results upside of the informational-analytic center designing and information support definition in the
state management system is carried out. The approach on practical realization of two main tasks, namely assessment and assurance of the
information security certain level is proposed. Such approach allows to effectively implement the process of information security
management, that is, to implement appropriate situational models, algorithms, rules, etc. Information-analytical work is impossible without
effective information support. The analysis shows that the information security management of the state is a multilevel process. Today there
is no single understanding of this process, however. The reason is the lack of a consistent methodology of the state information security
management system. The methodology that enables effective information-analytical research to provide information support is solving the
following tasks: the problem of forecasting and timely detection of information security threats, creating conditions for likelihood
minimizing of threats implementation, creating conditions and mechanisms for responding to new threats, countermeasures organization of
information-cybernetic and information-psychological operations, countermeasures effectiveness assessment carrying out. The approach to
the construction of methodological bases for the information-analytical centers (services) creation in the system of the state information
security management is proposed, namely: the model of information profile of the protected object, which allows to formalize the task by the
“object - group of objects (region) – state” level; the structural model of the information-analytical center, which includes models of the
protected object profile; the method of providing comprehensive information security at the “object - object group (region) – state” level
using the proposed models and structures.