Психолого-педагогічні детермінанти дослідження гуманістичних компонентів виховання екологічної культури особистості
Столяренко, Ол. В.
Столяренко, О. В.
Коваль, Ю. В.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [522]
The article highlights psychological and pedagogical foundations of value-oriented attitudes in terms of a
person`s ecologic culture forming based on the component analysis. It substantiates the role of cognitive and
emotional components in the process of a person`s development. Humanistic values play a very important role in the
process of analyzing the structure and detailed characteristics of all value components of a person`s ecologic culture.
We consider value-oriented attitude and a person`s role as component parts of ecologic culture. The article presents
a fragment of the study of psychological and pedagogical conditions of the humanistic environmental values
formation process, determining the role of cognitive and emotional components. Understanding of ecological
humanistic moral categories allows individuals to decide whether they are formed in their consciousnesses in the
situations they can become either an obstacle to their own activity or an important prerequisite for effective
self-realization. Emotional and value-oriented attitude to oneself is an important component of such a general notion
formation as a value-oriented attitude to a person and his environment. Acquired scientific knowledge about a
person, the purpose and meaning of his life, moral qualities, how to act in a given situation; adequate self-esteem
contributes to the positive development of emotional and value-oriented attitudes. Most studies on dimensionality
indirectly state that emotional and value-oriented attitudes are one-dimensional. We emphasize the
multidimensionality of the categories under study. According to this statement emotional and value-oriented attitude
is regarded as a feeling, and in terms of the problem of dimensionality – as independent components of this
phenomenon. In studying this problem, we relied on the idea of three levels of self-awareness: for example, the valueoriented attitude to a person implies an attitude to oneself; attitude to another person and the attitude to another
things. Analysis of the dimensionality of emotional and value-oriented attitudes shows that it is regarded as a feeling
which is a category that characterizes the psychological characteristics of an individual. The development of such
level as self-awareness, communication and interaction with others is also an important factor. However, such
communication also acquires an intrapsychic form – it turns into self-communication, a real \"personological\"
Теорія виховання
structure, which assumes the existence of as many close and distant partners (objects), reproduces its
phenomenological structure. We evaluated the behavior of the members of the experimental group by two variables,
the analysis being carried out in a three-dimensional space formed by three axes: dominance-submission,
friendliness-hostility, emotionality-analyticalness. This methodological technique allows you to study the problem of
interaction and compatibility, types of values to others and the environment, to characterize their manifestations in
students. Thus, the emotional attitude is not one-dimensional. It can be considered in the projection of three axes of
emotional and value-oriented attitude to a person: \"sympathy – antipathy\", \"respect – disrespect\", \"intimacy –
alienation\", which do not coincide with the axes or parameters of the behavioral aspect of the relationship. This
conclusion follows the fact that at the first stage the factors of emotional attitude appeared simultaneously with
the behavioral ones: \"domination – subjugation\", \"dependence – freedom\", \"cooperation – competition\". It is
necessary to speak about the reliability of allocation of axes of emotional attitude. They were obtained as a result of
two different experimental techniques (expert evaluation of the attitudes to others, evaluation of their own attitudes),
different participants in the experiment (adults and students), as well as two different methods of factor analysis
(centroid and principal factors method). The reliability of the ed axes is indicated by the re-factorization of the
finally ed scales. The defined three-dimensional structure is characterized by universality. It can be used both
to analyze the perception of the pupil`s attitudes in the family, and in other situations of friendly communication.
Based on the results obtained, we can re-evaluate the emotional component of values.
Thus, the data obtained in the course of the study allow us to characterize emotional and value-oriented attitudes
much more accurately than if they would have been characterized based on the idea of one-dimensional \"positivenegative\" nature of attitudes. There is also the possibility of a more differentiated diagnosis of disorders in attitudes
and relationships, which is important for the prevention of undesirable behaviors У статті представлено фрагмент дослідження психолого-педагогічних детермінант формування
гуманістичних екологічних ціннісних ставлень, визначення ролі в цьому процесі когнітивного та емоційного
На відміну від традиційного підходу, наголошено на багатовимірності досліджуваних категорій, на
уявленні про три рівні самосвідомості. Оцінено поведінку за двома змінними, аналіз яких здійснювався в
трьохвимірному просторі, утвореному трьома вісями: домінування–підкорення, дружелюбність–
ворожість, емоційність–аналітичність.