Принципи застосування альтернативних джерел енергії в регіонах з обмеженими ресурсами питної води
Бойко, С. М.
Жуков, О. А.
Саблін, О. І.
Риков, Г. Ю.
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The unsatisfactory ecological state of water resources indicates, first of all, the problems of pollution
and depletion of water resources and their relevance today. The lack of an optimal principle of management
and responsibility for the state of surface sources of drinking water supply has led to the fact that industrial
facilities, which, depending on their technological processes, determine the state of the surface source of
drinking water, are located in the territory of the same regions, and the production and consumption of
drinking water from of this source occurs on the territory of other regions, which complicates the settlement
of control issues at the regional level. Therefore, solving the task of preparing drinking water of the required
quality at drinking water treatment stations is a strategically important task in the conditions of a significant
anthropogenic factor. This issue has become especially relevant in recent years on the territory of Ukraine in
connection with the armed conflict, which has turned into a full-scale armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine. Today, these issues concern the south-eastern regions especially acutely. Meanwhile, it should be
noted that the long-term operation of water supply systems without a capital replacement of communications,
the lack of modernization of treatment facilities, or their absence at all, the consequences of irresponsible
economic activity that led to the pollution of surface water became the prerequisite for a difficult situation
with water supply of standardized quality. Of particular concern in connection with chemical and
bacteriological pollution is the state of water supply for the rural population, which in most cases uses water
from underground water sources for drinking purposes. A quarter of the villages and towns of Ukraine use the
services of centralized domestic drinking water supply, and more than 60% of the population of most regions
in Ukraine consume water from wells, the nitrate content of which is 1.5–30 times higher than the standard
level. So, taking into account the fact that fresh water resources on Earth are distributed extremely unevenly,
and arid or partially arid regions of the world include 40% of the landmass, which use only 2% of the world's
water reserves, the issue of the introduction of modern water supply systems and the modernization of existing
ones with the use of modern technologies is gaining more and more importance. According to the conclusions
of scientists and the analysis of statistical data, it is possible to predict the development of the economy of
Ukraine based on the introduction of hydrogen energy. But regardless of today's realities and a number of
obstacles in the development of Ukraine, it is worth paying attention to urgent problems in the country that
require urgent solutions, on which national security depends. Taking into account the fact that renewable
energy sources are currently widely implemented in Ukraine and the world, and taking into account the
problem of water supply as a global problem and local problems of a regional scale in the territory of Ukraine,
it will be relevant in the future to use the indicated capacities to obtain certain volumes of suitable water, in
accordance with sanitary standards, for use by the population. The proposed approach of using the capacities
of renewable sources of electric energy for the needs of the functioning of systems for obtaining water suitable,
in accordance with sanitary standards, for use by the population. The introduction of renewable energy
sources into the system of obtaining water suitable, in accordance with sanitary standards, for use by the
population should provide an opportunity to expand the functional capabilities of existing installations and
increase their efficiency. This approach also aims to attract the attention of investors and reduce the ecological
burden on the environment Сучасний стан водних ресурсів в Україні характеризується проблемами забруднення та виснаження, що стає особливо актуальним у зв`язку з антропогенними факторами та збройним конфліктом, особливо на південно-східних територіях. Відсутність ефективного управління та відповідальності за стан джерел питної води, а також регіональні розбіжності у виробництві та споживанні води ускладнюють контроль та регуляцію. Довготривала експлуатація систем водопостачання без належного оновлення та модернізації, а також безвідповідальна господарська діяльність спричинили забруднення поверхневих вод. Це особливо актуально у контексті сільського населення, яке здебільшого використовує підземні джерела води, часто з високим вмістом нітратів. Важливим є впровадження сучасних систем водопостачання та їх модернізація з використанням передових технологій. Запропоновано використовувати потенціал відновлюваних джерел енергії для підвищення ефективності систем водопостачання, що має зменшити екологічне навантаження та привернути увагу інвесторів.