Design and Simulation of Time-Pulse Coded Optoelectronic Neural
Krasilenko, V. G.
Nikolskyy, A. I.
Lazarev, A. A.
Красиленко, В. Г.
Лазарєв, О. О.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ІКСТ [455]
We consider design and hardware realizations of optoelectronic logical elements of twovalued logic with current inputs and current outputs on the basis of CMOS current mirrors. In the chapter we consider the whole family of the offered circuits, show the simulation results and possible prospects of application of the circuits in particular for time-pulse coding for multivalued, continuous, neuro-fuzzy and matrix logics. We consider neurons design and simulation results of multichannel spatio-time algebraic accumulation -integration of optical signals. Advantages for nonlinear transformation and integration are shown. The integrator-neuron is based on CMOS current mirrors and comparators. The performance: consumable power – 10…500 μW, signal period– 0.1…5µs, input optical signals power – 0.2… 20 μW; time delays – less 0.01-1μs, the number of input optical signals - 2…64 and more, integration time – 10…100 of signal periods, accuracy or integration error – about 1%-10%. A biologically motivated concept and time pulse encoding principles of continuous logic photocurrent mirrors and sample-storage devices with pulse-width photoconverters have allowed us to design generalized structures for realization of a family of normalized linear vector operations “equivalence”-“nonequivalence”.