Розробка моделі траєкторних спостережень для авіаційної посадкової системи
Воловик, А. Ю.
Гаврілов, Д. В.
Мозговий, В. С.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІРТС [780]
Об`єкт дослідження являє собою процес перетворення інформаційних сигналів у бортовому радіоканалі системи посадки сантиметрового діапазону під час виконання посадкового маневру. Мета роботи спрямована на створення програмно-керованого оперативного контролю поточної точності та достовірності вимірювань кутових координат на борту повітряного судна шляхом застосування методів оптимальної дискретної фільтрації за умови, що вони сприяють спрощенню технічної реалізації за критерієм «точність – об`єм обчислювальних ресурсів». Запропоновано декілька варіантів практичної реалізації дискретного фільтра Калмана. Достовірність отриманих результатів підтверджена шляхом статистичного моделювання за методом Монте-Карло. The purpose of work is directed to creation of a program-controlled operating control of the current accuracy and reliability of angular data measurements onboard the air vehicle by application of optimum discrete filtering methods provided that they promote simplification of technical implementation by criterion \"accuracy - the volume of computing resources\". Relevance of such task is defined by the next fact: malfunctions in work of radio engineering devices happen rather infrequently and the most part of time the an angle measurement channel works correctly; introduction of special methods signals processing should not worsen the accuracy of measurements in rated conditions; at emergence of malfunctions it is reasonable to use the principle of heredity and expansion of classical methods functionality of signals processing.
The object of research represents process of information signals transformation in an onboard radio channel of a centimetric range landing system during performance of landing maneuver. The mathematical model of advanced dynamic process of a change angular position airplane in time which unlike the known results considers not only airplane tactical technical characteristics, and also feature of a flight run on separate trajectory of a landing path is constructed by taking into account a number of simplifications. An opportunity to describe mathematical model of dynamic process by system of the difference vector equations is represented, inasmuch as, angle place data in centimetric range landing systems are d discretely with a certain frequency. Necessary initial numerical data of a system state vector and complete correlation matrixes are received on the basis of experience of relevant systems practical operation. Minimum necessary order of model is defined.
On the basis of Kalman`s method the optimum filter for processing of a primary flow of the corner airplane place measurements is synthesized. A priori set model of the airplane movement which carries out forecast function and the adjusting feedback link is its part. The weighed residual is entered into model as perturbation. It allows to consider a Kalman filter not only as computing algorithm, and as the device of digital type tracking which provides minimum possible mean average squared error both in transient and instable the conditions. The analysis of optimum filter efficiency is carried out. Several options of a discrete Kalman filter practical implementation are offered. Two best options are defined by results of comparative analysis. The assessment of their accuracy and computing efficiency is given. Reliability of the received results is confirmed by statistical modeling the Monte-Carlo method.