A new approach to assessing the dynamic uncertainty of measuring devices
Vasilevskyi, O.
Kulakov, P.
Kompanets, D.
Lysenko, O.
Prysyazhnyuk, V.
Wójcik, W.
Baitussupov, D.
Васілевський, О. М.
Кулаков, П. І.
Лисенко, О. М.
Присяжнюк, В. В.
Компанець, Д. М.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІРТС [779]
A spectral method for estimating the dynamic uncertainty of measuring instruments based on a mathematical model of
the frequency characteristic of a measuring instrument and a model of the spectral function of an input signal is
presented. The model equation for estimating the amplitude value of the dynamic measurement uncertainty is obtained,
which is caused by the limited properties of the measuring devices when a measuring signal passes through it in dynamic
operation modes. A mathematical simulation of the characteristic of the dynamic uncertainty variation during the passage
of a measuring signal through a measuring transducer is performed using the dynamic model of a vibration transducer as
an example.