Управління фінансовим забезпеченням підприємств в сучасних умовах
В роботі розглянуто сутність фінансового забезпечення підприємств. Проаналізовано складові елементи системи фінансового забезпечення господарської діяльності.
Розглянуто складові та види фінансового забезпечення. Основними складовими системи фінансового забезпечення інноваційної діяльності є: суб’єкти, об’єкти, методи фінансування, форми фінансування, важелі впливу на господарську діяльність, моніторинг і контроль за фінансуванням господарської діяльності.
Проаналізовано динаміку такого джерела самофінансування, як чистий прибуток.
У зв’язку із недостатнім обсягом такого джерела як самофінансування, запропоновано використовувати кредити міжнародних фінансових організацій. Domestic enterprises in modern conditions are faced with the question of the effectiveness of forming the necessary volume of financial support. The purpose of the article is to generalize the features of financial support in the conditions of martial law.
The work examines the essence of financial support of enterprises. The constituent elements of the system of financial support of economic activity are analyzed.
The components and types of financial support are considered. The main components of the system of financial support of innovative activity are: subjects, objects, methods of financing, forms of financing, levers of influence on economic activity, monitoring and control over the financing of economic activity. According to the form of ownership, private and state financing are distinguished. Depending on the form of provision, financial support of industrial enterprises can be provided in the following forms: self-financing, lending, investment, state financing. Quite often, in order to maximize profit and ensure the optimal ratio, enterprises simultaneously use various forms of financial support.
The dynamics of such a source of self-financing as net profit is analyzed. Тhe share of enterprises that during 2016-2020 earned a profit, exceeded 70% and practically did not change.More than 25% of enterprises of all sizes operated at a loss, which indicates that they lack their own sources of financial resources. The use of such a source as depreciation deductions, which is explained by outdated fixed assets, is problematic for many enterprises.
In connection with the insufficient volume of such a source as self-financing, it is proposed to use loans from international financial organizations.