Формування риторичної культури майбутніх викладачів технічних університетів у процесі магістерської підготовки
Залюбівська, Оксана Броніславівна
Залюбивская, Оксана Брониславовна
Zalyubivska, O. B.
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У дослідженні визначено сутність і зміст риторичної культури викладача технічного університету на основі нормативно-технологічного, культурологічного, гуманістичного, ціннісного підходів. Визначено критерії, показники, рівні її сформованості. Обґрунтовано й експериментально перевірено педагогічні умови формування риторичної культури майбутніх викладачів технічних університетів: спрямованість формування риторичної культури магістрантів на майбутню науково-педагогічну діяльність; застосування інтерактивної педагогічної технології формування риторичної культури магістрантів у межах навчального курсу риторики; упровадження дистанційного навчання риторики; створення навчального риторичного середовища шляхом інтеграції гуманітарних дисциплін і позанавчальних заходів у технічному університеті. Розроблено модель цього процесу. За результатами дослідження підготовлено методичні рекомендації науково-педагогічному складу щодо формування риторичної культури магістрантів технічних університетів. Formation of rhetorical culture of future teachers of technical universities during the process of Master’s preparation.
The Dissertation is devoted to the formation of the rhetorical culture of future teachers of technical universities in the process of preparation for master’s degree.
The importance of this process is determined not only by the development of ability to professional speech-thinking activity. During the formation of rhetorical culture in the personality structure of a Master’s degree student techno-centric focus of an engineer is replaced by anthropocentric orientation of a teacher, Humanities and engineering thinking is being formed, the priorities of which are humanistic value of innovation of technological progress, the value of the human person, the value of the dialogue.
In the thesis, current approaches to defining the essence and content of the concept of «the rhetorical culture of the teacher» were analyzed. Given the generalizations of theoretical studies and specific training of students at technical universities the essence of rhetorical culture of teachers of technical universities was determined on the basis of the regulatory and technological, cultural, humanistic, value approach as multidimensional personal formation that contains a set of learned knowledge and rhetorical skills, humanistically, value, educationally oriented norms of rhetorical activities and individual creative style of its implementation for the purpose of pedagogical impact on personal development and professional development of future engineers. Its structure (motivational-value, intellectual-creative, linguistic-stylistic, personal-performing components) and its content that integrates knowledge of rhetoric, formed rhetorical skills, rhetorical and pedagogical values and qualities has been described. The criteria that correspond to the structural components, indices of criteria, levels (reproductive, stereotypical, productive level of creative freedom) and the real state of formation of rhetorical culture of future teachers of technical universities have been identified.
Necessary and sufficient pedagogical conditions are substantiated: 1) the directedness of the formation process of rhetorical culture of undergraduates to their future scientific and pedagogical activities (it was substantiated by the demand for strengthening and improvement of professional orientation training, specific of Master’s degree preparation, within which is the growth of scientific and pedagogical technical elite takes place, efficiency of rhetoric in shaping of pedagogical consciousness values, ideals); 2) the use of interactive educational technology of forming of rhetorical culture of undergraduates during the course of rhetoric (it was substantiated by its systemic impact on all components of rhetorical culture, the ability to form personally, professionally, socially important quality, value of engineering-humanitarian thinking student, the ability to interact, lifelong learning); 3) the introduction of distant learning of rhetoric (it was substantiated by requirements of the information society and humanization of education, professional orientation of Master’s degree students, a limited number of hours that is given for classroom teaching, and a large load of independent work for Master’s degree students); 4) the integration of humanities and extracurricular activities in technical university in order to create an educational rhetorical environment (it was substantiated by increased and new requirements for the quality and nature of education, the magnitude of the task of rhetoric – to learn effective mental-verbal activity from birth of an idea to its realization in the text and utterance).
Model of the formation of rhetorical culture of the future teachers of technical universities on the basis of the unity of the rational, moral, emotional in pedagogical activity has been developed, scientifically grounded and rooted in the process of preparation of the Master’s degree student. It consists of conceptually-oriented, substantive, organizational-activity, diagnostic-result blocks. Pedagogical conditions аrе a component of formation of rhetorical culture, so the model is designed to show their place in this process and communication with other components (approaches to learning principles, learning content, etc.). This contributed to the introduction of conditions in teaching practice.
The technology of implementation of pedagogical conditions in Master training has been developed and implemented. The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation of rhetorical culture of future teachers of technical universities has been experimentally tested and proven. The positive dynamics of the experimental training of Master’s degree students has been identified. The effectiveness of the formation of rhetorical culture in the experimental group relative to the control group was 14 %.
In the result of research the methodical recommendations for scientific and pedagogical staff with regards to formation of rhetorical culture of future teachers of technical universities have been elaborated. Recommendations were structured according to the structural components of rhetorical culture and pedagogical conditions of its formation. Implementation of the recommendations ensures the implementation of the principle, which is important for the education in Technical University – the principle of harmony of knowledge and morality «from culture of word to emotional culture, from emotional culture to culture of moral relations». В исследовании определены сущность и содержание риторической культуры преподавателя технического университета на основе нормативно-технологического, культурологического, гуманистического, ценностного подходов. Определены критерии, показатели, уровни ее сформированности. Обоснованы и экспериментально проверены педагогические условия формирования риторической культуры будущих преподавателей технического университета: направленность формирования риторической культуры магистрантов на будущую научно-педагогическую деятельность; применение интерактивной педагогической технологии формирования риторической культуры магистрантов в рамках учебного курса риторики; внедрение дистанционного обучения риторики; создание учебной риторической среды путем интеграции гуманитарных дисциплин и внеучебных мероприятий в техническом университете. Разработана модель этого процесса. По результатам исследования подготовлены методические рекомендации научно-педагогическому составу по формированию риторической культуры магистрантов технических университетов.
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