Morphology and electronic structure of nanoscale powders of calcium hydroxyapatite
Kurgan, N. A.
Karbivskyy, V. L.
Kasiyanenko, V. H.
Курган, Н. А.
Карбівський, В. Л.
Касіяненко, В. Х.
Курган, Н. А.
Карбовский, В. Л.
Касияненко, В. Х.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ЗФ [237]
Atomic force microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and NMR studied morphological and physicochemical properties of calcium hydroxyapatite powders produced by changing the temperature parameters of synthesis. Features of morphology formation of calcium hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with an annealing temperature within 200°C to 1,100°C were determined. It is shown that the particle size of the apatite obtained that annealed 700°C is 40 nm corresponding to the particle size of apatite in native bone. The effect of dimension factor on structural parameters of calcium hydroxyapatite is manifested in a more local symmetry of the PO43− tetrahedra at nanodispersed calcium hydroxyapatite.