Гармонійна побудова багатокомпонентних слів на фонетичному рівні
Азарова, Л. Є.
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- Наукові роботи каф. МЗ [512]
У статті створено теорію гармонійної побудови багатокомпонентних композитів в українській мові на засадах методології "золотої" пропорції та використання лінгво-інформаційного підходу. Розкрито механізм побудови три-, чотирикомпонентних складних слів на фонетичному рівні. В статье создана теория гармоничного построения многокомпонентных композитов в украинском языке на основе методологии "золотой" пропорции и использования лингво-информационного подхода. Раскрыт механизм трех-, четырехкомпонентных сложных слов на фонетическом уровне. The article developed the theory of the harmonious construction of multicomponent composites in the Russian language on the basis of the «golden» proportions and the use of linguistic-informational approach developed by the main provisions of this theory. The mechanism of building harmonious three-, four-part of complex words phonetically.
Developed the basic tenets of the theory of the harmonious construction of complex words based on concepts «golden» proportions. Proposed research methodology a harmonious construction of complex words in the concept of the «golden» proportion which is based on a linguistic-informational approach and modern information technologies. Analyzed the manifestation of «golden» promotion as a quantitative measure of harmony in lavatories. Basic principles of building complex words phonetically.
The selected criteria of the phonetic harmony of complex multi-component words in the Ukrainian language. Analyzed quantitative indicators of these criteria on the example of the «golden» P- and S-ratios. The method of the study of the phonetic harmony of these complex categories by estimating the quantitative values of the baseline proportion of P that is a ratio of the cost of complex multi-component sound of words from the generated array of various literary sources with the use of special measuring equipment. The obtained quantitative indicators, systematized them in the appropriate family of «golden» proportions of sets with three- and four-part compound words, and also assessed the distribution of these words in families depending on parameters of the «golden» proportions.