Оцінка ефективної швидкості передачі інформації для каналу стандарту 802.11n у діапазоні 5 ГГц
Михалевський, Д. В.
Рогозіна, Л. А.
Крутінь, А. В.
Mykhalevskiy, D. V.
Rohozina, L. A.
Krutin, A. V.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІКСТ [455]
Investigation of temporal characteristics of the effective speed of transferring
information in the frequency range of 5 GHz for the wireless channel of 802.11n standard was conducted in this work. It is a basic parameter of the quality of wireless networks which is affected by several factors: fluctuation of wireless channel parameters during the transmission in time; obstacles which are independent sources of the emission; architectural obstacles. Based on experimental studies of temporal characteristics of the effective speed it was concluded that there are quite high fluctuations of values up to 10 Mbit/s on the line of sight which decrease with increasing density and thickness of architectural obstacles