Система передачі високоякісних звукових сигналів без втрат
Михалевський, Д. В.
Наугольних, Є. С.
Мельник, В. М.
Mykhalevskiy, D. V.
Naugol'nykh, E. S.
Melnik, V. M.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІКСТ [455]
У даній роботі запропоновано систему передачі високоякісних звукових сигналів без втрат із використанням безпровідного каналу між блоком формування цифрового потоку та цифровим декодером підсилювача. Крім того було проведено дослідження ефективності такої системи. In this paper proposes a transmission system of highquality lossless audio signals using wireless channel between the
block and form a digital stream digital decoder amplifier. Also a study of the effectiveness of such a system.
One of the problems when playing audio quality, audio information is transmitted to the terminal device processing lossless and
delay. For modern devices solution of this issue is the use of the bit transmission directly to a digital signal processor amplifier. Implement
these methods can both hardware and at the software level. An example of this method is the use of audio interfaces such as the interface of
WASAPI / WASAPI exclusive, OpenAL and other.
The main feature of this interface is a direct transfer of data from the source audio format to audio driver to remove the
intermediate processing units. On the other hand the use of sources compressed with lossy audio data for additional processing units on the
contrary improves the quality of signal recovery
To stream high quality audio information necessary to provide adequate bandwidth and no delays in transmission. Existing wired
communication lines allow these parameters. in our case, the proposed use of sound tract, wireless data transfer between digital processing
unit on the computer and decoder in amplifiers to minimize the processing units.
But the construction of the bit transmission of high quality audio signals using wireless technologies must be considered
disadvantages of wireless communication systems such as speed reduction transmission and signal level, increasing the signal propagation
time and errors in the transmission channel. These distortions are usually caused by an increase in the distance between the radio module,
the emergence of obstacles in the signal path and the influence of other electromagnetic systems. Therefore, the implementation of bitwise
output of highquality audio using wireless technology the estimation of parameters of transmission of high quality audio signals.