Автоматизація процесу виробництва інтелектуальних полімерних композиційних матеріалів
Сівецький, В. І.
Халімовський, О. М.
Сокольський, О. Л.
Куриленко, В. М.
Богута, О. С.
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Розроблено систему автоматичного керування швидкості руху штока інжектора в процесі формування виробів з інтелектуальних полімерних композиційних матеріалів з урахуванням зміни в’язкості полімеру в порції, що містить також інтелектуальні датчики і транспортується штоком інжектора в задані просторові координати розплаву полімеру основного каналу головки екструдера. Разработана система автоматического управления скорости движения штока инжектора в процессе формования изделий из интеллектуальных полимерных композиционных материалов с учетом изменения вязкости полимера в порции, содержащей также интеллектуальные датчики и транспортируемой штоком инжектора в заданные пространственные координаты расплава полимера основного канала головки экструдера. In order to remotely diagnose the responsible details and units state, it is extremely important to receive information about their stress-strain state in real-time. The remote diagnostics of these products condition providing directly during their operation possible through the use of intelligent sensors (IS), which are introduced into the specified coordinates of the product directly in the process of its molding. Inputting of the IS during the molding continuous technological process of the thermoplastic polymers products according to the proposed method is achieved by periodically introducing a mixture of polymer melt with an IS to a predetermined depth into the polymer melt of the forming channel of the extrusion die. To provide of the mixture transportation in the preset spatial coordinates, an automatic speed control system has been developed for the injector rod movement. A vector-controlled asynchronous electric drive was selected as the electric drive of the rod in the design of the control system. The calculation of the required speed of the injector rod to inject a portion of the mixture with an IS at a predetermined depth was performed based on the results of the simulation of the introduction of the IS into the stream of polymer material. Simulation of the developed speed control system of the injector rod confirmed its ability to transport the mixture with the IS in the given spatial coordinates with a definite step when changing the physical and mechanical properties of the mixture. The analysis of the simulation results of the speed control system showed that the deviation of the cycle time associated with the change in the time of the injection phase with a given deviation of the polymer viscosity range is acceptable in identifying a stress-strain state of products from intelligent polymer composite materials. Possibility of introducing intelligent sensors to the estimated depth with the help of the developed device simulating the introduction of a portion of a polymeric mixture with an IS in the formation of the product, confirmed by a series of experimental studies. From the results of experiments, it follows that increasing the viscosity of the injected mixture leads to an increase in the depth of its immersion in the main stream, which corresponds to the estimated data.