Algorithm of controlling an adaptive hydraulic circuit for a mobile machines
Kozlov, L.
Buriennikov, Yu.
Rusu, O.
Pyliavets, V.
Kovalchuk, V.
Petrov, O.
Rusu, I.
Козлов, Л. Г.
Бурєнніков, Ю. А.
Пилявець, В.
Ковальчук, В.
Петров, О. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ТАМ [386]
Hydraulic systems based on adjustable pumps,
proportional electrohydraulic equipment and controllers
are used in mobile machines. The authors propose a new
scheme of the hydraulic system for mobile machines,
which provides the auger drilling operation. A number of
studies have shown that a certain ratio should be
maintained between the frequency of auger rotation and its
feed during operation, where the productivity of soil
disruption should not exceed the productivity of
transporting loose soil from the drilling zone. Ensuring the
required ratio between the speed of the auger rotation and
its feed is implemented by a controller that works
according to a certain algorithm. A nonlinear mathematical
model of the hydraulic system was developed to create the
algorithm for controller operation and setting. The
equations of the mathematical model are solved in the
MATLAB-Simulink environment by the Rosenbrock
method. As a result of solving the equations for the
mathematical model, the dependences of variables
describing the state of the hydraulic system on time are
obtained. The values of the controller settings are
determined at which the hydraulic system works steadily,
the error of flow rate stabilization, the time for pressure
adjustment and readjustment does not exceed the allowable
values. The algorithm for controlling the auger feed value
is formed. This algorithm provides the necessary ratio
between the auger feed and speed, as well as reducing the
feed rate in the case of soil hardness increases. This creates
the conditions for uninterrupted pit drilling at full depth
and protection of the hydraulic system from overload