Оптимальні сигнально-кодові конструкції для підвищення ефективності інфокомунікаційних радіосистем мобільного зв`язку 5G та 6G
Васильківський, М. В.
Болдирева, О. С.
Варгатюк, Г.
Будаш, М. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІКСТ [449]
The article discusses methods of increasing the efficiency of information communication radio systems of mobile communication,
which includes increasing spectral efficiency and energy efficiency when used for telecommunication radio equipment. A comparison of block
error coefficient values for f-OFDM, W-OFDM and OFDM methods with mixed numerology of uplink and downlink subscriber channels of
access to information resources of the telecommunications network was made. As a result of the study of compression methods using several
carriers, the dominant compression method for mobile communication systems, in particular, the CP-OFDM method due to its high efficiency
of spectrum use, scalability and flexibility due to the introduction of a cyclic prefix, has been determined.
It is proved that the CP-OFDM compression method is free from the Doppler range shift problem, thus the range and Doppler shift
estimations can be considered as independent tasks in CP-OFDM. In addition, CP-OFDM parameters such as carrier distance, guard interval
size, frame length, and pilot shape can be tailored to optimize the performance and robustness of detection and data transmission. However,
such advantages are based on perfect synchronization (time and frequency) between the transmitter and receiver - although perfect
synchronization may not be possible, especially for bistatic scanning, where the transmitter and receiver of the scan signal are not adjacent.
In this case, the cyclic prefix may not provide any advantage for quality scanning, and multiple unprefixed waveforms may be considered. The
main disadvantage of rejecting the prefix is the difficulty of data detection (due to intersymbol interference), which must be eliminated.
Another important challenge for scanning, where energy efficiency is extremely important, is the large PAPR of multi-carrier (prefixed or
unprefixed) signals.
Single-carrier compression methods, which are based on the expansion of the code area of common radar signals and
communication, in which the radar characteristics are affected by sequence autocorrelation, have been studied. However, the long spreading
code, which leads to good autocorrelation, reduces the spectrum utilization efficiency for communication systems. In this case, the estimation
of the Doppler effect is not trivial and requires more complex algorithms. The justification of the choice of the signal modulation scheme in
5/6G radio systems has been made. В статті розглянуто способи підвищення ефективності інфокомунікаційних радіосистем мобільного
зв’язку, що включає підвищення спектральної ефективності та енергоефективності при застосуванні для
телекомунікаційного радіообладнання. Здійснено порівняння значень коефіцієнтів блокових помилок для методів
f-OFDM, W-OFDM та OFDM при змішаній нумерології висхідного та низхідного абонентських каналів доступу до
інформаційних ресурсів телекомунікаційної мережі.