Розробка алгоритму моделювання роботи автосервісних підприємств
Крещенецький, В. Л.
Цимбал, С. В.
Семічаснова, Н. С.
Клименко, М. О.
Крещенецкий, В. Л.
Цымбал, С. В.
Семичаснова, Н. С.
Клименко, М. О.
Kreschenetskiy, V. L.
Tsymbal, S. V.
Semichasnova. N. S.
Klymenko, М. О.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. АТМ [413]
- Наукові роботи каф. ТАМ [386]
В роботі вивчено особливості роботи автосервісних підприємств та рівень конкуренції між ними. Розроблено алгоритм на базі імітаційного моделювання, який відображує основні елементи системи та дозволяє моделювати роботу автосервісних підприємств. В работе изучены особенности работы автосервисных предприятий и уровень конкуренции между ними. Разработан алгоритм на базе имитационного моделирования, который отображает основные элементы системы и позволяет моделировать работу автосервисных предприятий. The features of work of autoservice enterprises and level of competition are in-process studied between them. First of all it behaves to the unevenness of streams of requests on technical service and repair of cars and risk of loss of clients, conditioned by the action of competition. On the stages of creation of enterprise of car-care center it is also important to give the prognosis of stream of requests on technical service and repair in a certain borough and to expect his power near to the optimal in these terms competition. Home businessmen intuitively take measure on partial neutralization of negative influence of vibrations of streams of requests on efficiency of functioning of autoservice enterprises, but this problem did not find the proper attention in scientific researches and certainly for a car-care center corresponding recommendations are not worked out for new operating of autoservice enterprises conditions. At the same time, at large amplitudes of oscillation of stream of requests, an effect is attained due to varying of organization of labour a form it can appear insufficient. An effect is arrived at due to the mutual help of the performers envisaged after the different posts of technical service and repair. In this case three variants of cooperation of performers are possible: absence of mutual help; partial mutual help; complete mutual help. Two basic simulation models are in this connection worked out on the sign of mutual help of performers: first without a mutual help, second with partial and complete. At the same time, for providing of perception of algorithms of imitation design of work of enterprises of car-care center there was the worked out algorithm that removes the basic elements of models.