Вставні та вставлені конструкції в історичному дискурсі
Азарова, Л. Є.
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- Наукові роботи каф. МЗ [512]
Статтю присвячено дослідженню вставних і вставлених конструкцій в історичному дискурсі. Розглянуто принцип диференціації вставних і вставлених одиниць у сучасному мовознавстві. Проаналізовано наукові праці, присвячені вставним і вставленим елементам. The article is devoted to the study of introductory and parenthetical constructions in the historical aspect. It is considered the principle of differentiation of introductory and parenthetical units in modern linguistics. The research works devoted to introductory and parenthetical elements are analyzed. The history of research on sentences with introductory and parenthetical expressions is addressed in the article. It is figured out how introductory and parenthetical units in modern linguistics are classified. The principle of distinction of introductory and parenthetical constructions is researched. It is specified that the
parenthetical expressions are a productive means of organization in scientific and educational texts. Thus, informative and
explanatory adjusting constructions predominate in the educational philological discourse. Linguistic texts are full of parenthetical structures that detail, describe additionally, specify, and
explain the first part or a single word in it. Literature studies contain reference information, mainly an additional reference to the source (literary texts), information about the year of writing or publication of the work. In textbooks and manuals parentheticals obtain an emotional coloring, perform figurative
and evaluation functions, mainly in literary works, where the author interprets the content of the work.
Since the concept of “parenthetical units” extends beyond the traditional syntax, because it represents the implementation of the plane of expression related to the specificity of not only a certain style, but also a particular author, therefore the study of parentheticals in linguistics will remain the topical issue in the future. In particular, we should pay attention to reasons for activating parenthetical elements in the syntactic system of the modern Ukrainian language.
It is concluded that the active use of introductory and
parenthetical constructions is caused by stylistic, communicative and stylistic needs of construction of scientific texts. It
is proved that currently the multiform speaker’s attitude to the thought declared by him is expressed by means of introductionary words, phrases and clauses, and parenthetical units express such messages, explanations and remarks that supplement the sentence semantics.