Узгодження інтересів економічної взаємодії ринків України, Азербайджану та Туреччини в галузі автомобілебудування
Нікіфорова, Л. О.
Чорний, В. О.
Мещерякова, Т. К.
Nіkіforova, L. O.
Chornіy, V. O.
Mescherіakova, T. K.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ЕПВМ [370]
В статті проаналізовано перспективи співпраці автомобілебудівної галузі України (насамперед ПАТ «Запорізький автомобілебудівний завод») із Азербайджаном та Туреччиною, як країнами що не підпадають під вплив російської політики; виявлено можливі напрями для розвитку і співробітництва даних суб’єктів, а також розглянуто модель узго-дження інтересів учасників співробітництва. The article considers the prospects of cooperation between the companies of Ukrainian automotive industry (primarily the public company «Zaporizkyi avtomobilebudivnyi zavod») and the same of Azerbaijan and Turkey. These are the countries that both do not fall under the influence of Russian policy and have potential areas for development and cooperation in terms of trade. Apart from this, there have been figured out the models reconciling the interests of all the participants (including Ukraine).
The main problem that remains unsolved in the field of international economic cooperation in Ukraine is the coordination of interests between the economies of Ukraine and the ones of developing countries. Therefore, the work has considered a model of potential players coordination on the automotive market with Ukraine as well as has investigated the transport system and automobile indystry in such countries as Azerbaijan and Turkey. There has also been conducted a comparative analysis to identify possible directions of their development. According to the data collected while the research there has appeared an opportunity to evaluate the competitiveness of new cars on the Azerbaijanian and Turkish markets. It has been analyzed the model when barter relations with these countries. In the meantime the results enabled to determine the level of potential cooperation with these countries in the field of automotive industry. So, the data we processed is necessary to keep the import of Ukrain-ian cars at the constant rate and even higher (because of the import decrease to Russia, Kazakhstan, Egypt after the imposition of economic sanctions by the Russian Federation and pro-Russian countries). If it is possible to manage the economy rightfully, Ukraine will be integrated into the international economic society faster – the one that is gaining in popularity enormously.
The scientific value of the research lies in the fact that there have been proposed a game-theory model for the first time for reconciling the interests of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey on the automotive market.