Extrapolation of object trajectory: methodological approaches of problem solving on the base of parallel-hierarchical transformation
Kozhemyako, V. P.
Tymchenko, L. I.
Kutaev, Yu. F.
Yarovyi, A. A.
Gertsiy, A. A.
Kokryatskaya, N. I.
Кожем'яко, В. П.
Тимченко, Л. І.
Кутаєв, Ю. Ф.
Яровий, А. А.
Герцій, А. А.
Кокряцька, Н. І.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. КН [813]
Authors have worked out a nonstationary signal analysis method on the example of research of
laser lines. This method disclosed relationship between signal approximation coefficients and geometry
signal characterizations (for instance, energy center, moment of inertia). The example, which is
demonstrating an application of this method for exact coordinate determination problem in laser line at
displacement compensation in laser imaging are present. Various extrapolation approaches of laser beam
location in real time are considered.