Project management of the system for regional partnership of the organization of the automobile transport in the development of the system of technical preparation of the vehicle parks
Bilichenko, V. V.
Romanyuk, S. O.
Біліченко, В. В.
Романюк, С. О.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. АТМ [408]
There had been developed a system model for project
management for the development strategy for automobile transport organizations
(ATO) following the stages of its life cycle on the basis of assumption which is
the base of the business model of the regional partnership of ATO in the
development of system for technical preparation (STP), about the increase in the
efficiency of the common (centralized) performance of some functions and /or
works on technical preparation of vehicles on the manufacturing and technical
base (MTB) of some ATO or mutual order for these services from other
suppliers (outsourcing).