Physical properties of hybrid virus nonorganic complexes TMV-Au
Kaccyianenko, V. Kh.
Burdeynyy, V. M.
Касіяненко, В. Х.
Бурдейний, В. М.
Касияненко, В. Х.
Бурдейный, В. М.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ЗФ [236]
Nanowires of different types were synthesed and investigation of their physical, physico-chemical properties and morphology by applying probe microscopy and atomic resolution spectroscopy has been carried out. It is confirmed that the geometry of VTM’s particles can be controlled by special preparing and dirigible alternation of chemical and mechanic environment parameters.
The optical activity of the TMV-Au complex with the maximum on wavelength 540 nm is detected. The dependence of the optical absorption spectra intensity on the orientation of the polarization vector is observed. Established circular dichroism, opens up the possibility to use the TMV-Au complexes for smart materials creation.
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