Особливості застосування інтерактивних технологій навчання вищої математики в закладах вищої технічної освіти
В статті описано технологію формування когнітивно-творчої компетенції у студентів технічних спеціальностей та наведено приклад проведення інтерактивного заняття з вищої математики. The current state of mathematical preparation of students of engineering specialties can be characterized as not satisfying the basic level for successful mastery of special disciplines. In addition, the teaching of fundamental disciplines is carried out by outdated methods (75% of our anonymous teachers are reading their "own" courses academically).
The question of finding ways to improve learning activities has been considered by many scholars at different times. Various methods were suggested: an increase in the amount of educational information; the introduction of specific psychological and didactic conditions of learning; use of educational technologies, etc. The study of modern concepts of training specialists led us to believe that creating an adequate learning environment that would provide the necessary conditions for the formation of cognitive-creative competence of future graduates of technical specialties in the process of higher mathematics education can be achieved through the use of: methods of predictive modeling of the professional activity of a future specialist; interdisciplinary connections and replenishment of the content of discipline with applied tasks in specialty; modular rating model of training; the newest person-oriented pedagogical technologies.
Based on the identification of the requirements of the teachers of general technical and special disciplines for the knowledge of higher mathematics, we have developed a technology for forming the cognitive and creative competence of future specialists in technical specialties, which is to create an interactive, in combination with a traditional, learning environment, taking into account the individual achievements of students, implemented in the process of their training and future professional activities В статье описана технология формирования когнитивно-творческой компетенции у студентов технических специальностей и приведён пример интерактивного занятия по высшей математике.