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dc.contributor.authorPolishchuk, L. K.en
dc.contributor.authorKhmara, O. V.en
dc.contributor.authorNikolaychuk, V. V.en
dc.contributor.authorПоліщук, Л. К.uk
dc.contributor.otherStepanova, I. S.en
dc.contributor.otherСтепанова, І. С.uk
dc.identifier.citationPolishchuk L. K. Justification of the application of the hydraulic drive in the conveyors of the burtokladnik [Електронний ресурс] / L. K. Polishchuk, O. V. Khmara, V. V. Nikolaychuk ; кер. I. S. Stepanova // Матеріали XLIX науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 27-28 квітня 2020 р. – Електрон. текст. дані. – 2020. – Режим доступу: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/all-hum/all-hum-2020/paper/view/9895.uk
dc.description.abstractIt is analyzing the construction schema of a drive device of the transport stripe of a clamp-stack machine, factors that have the influence to premature chafing of details and a node of the drive have been established. It is offered a structural chart of hydraulic drive with three-step reductor, which is supplying higher quality of drive.en
dc.relation.ispartofМатеріали XLIX науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 27-28 квітня 2020 р.uk
dc.titleJustification of the application of the hydraulic drive in the conveyors of the burtokladniken
dc.relation.referencesPolishchuk L. K, Iskovich - Lototsky RD, Kotsyubovsky RP “Hydroification of the Burt machines of the stacking machine // Vibrations in engineering and technologies” Vinnitsa: VSAU, 2002. - №5 (26).en
dc.relation.referencesPolishchuk, L., The research of the dynamic processes of control system of hydraulic drive of belt conveyors with variable cargo flows / L. Polishchuk, Y. Kharchenko, O. Piontkevych, O. Koval // Eastern- European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 (8), pp. 22-29.en
dc.relation.referencesStudyofthedynamicstabilityoftheconveyorbeltadaptivedrive / Leonid K. Polishchuk, Leonid G. Kozlov, Oleh V. Piontkevych, Konrad Gromaszek, and Assel Mussabekova / Proc. SPIE 10808, PhotonicsApplicationsinAstronomy, Communications, Industry, andHigh-EnergyPhysicsExperiments 2018, 1080862 (1 October 2018); doi: 10.1117 / 12.2501535; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2501535en
dc.relation.referencesStudy of the dynamic stability of the belt conveyor adaptive drive [Badaniestabilnościdynamicznejnapęduadaptacyjnegoprzenośnikataśmowego] / Polishchuk, L.K., Kozlov, L.G., Piontkevych, O.V., Horbatiuk, R.M., Pinaiev, B., Wуjcik, W., Sagymbai, A., , Abdihanov, A.// PrzegladElektrotechnicznyVolume 95, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 98-103en
dc.relation.referencesExperimentalresearchcharacteristicsofcounterbalancevalveforhydraulicdrivecontrolsystemofmobilemachine / Kozlov, LG, Polishchuk, L.K., Piontkevych, O.V., Korinenko, M.P., Horbatiuk, R.M., Komada, P., Orazalieva, S., Ussatova, O. -109en
dc.relation.referencesApplication of hydraulic automation equipment for the efficiency enhancement of the operating elements of the mobile machine / Polishchuk L., Kozlov L., Burennikov Y., Strutinskiy V., Kravchuk V. // InformatykaAutomatykaPomiary w gospodarce I ochoroniesrodowiska 2019, R. 72 –78. (Accreditation during August)en
dc.relation.referencesBuilt-in hydraulic drives of conveyors with flexible traction body, sensitive to load changes: monograph / LK. Polishchuk, OO Adler. - Vinnitsa: VNTU, 2010. - 184p.en
dc.relation.referencesApplied mechanics and materials science: a textbook / LK. Polishchuk - Vinnytsia: National Technical University, 2011. - 209 pen

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Показати скорочену інформацію