Development of an image segmentation model based on a convolutional neural network
Knysh, B.
Kulyk, Ya.
Книш, Б. П.
Кулик, Я. А.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ЗФ [237]
This paper has considered a model of image segmentation using convolutional neural networks and studied the process efficiency based on
models involving training the deep layers of convolutional neural networks. There are objective difficulties associated with determining the
optimal characteristics of neural networks, so there is an issue related to
retraining the neural network. Eliminating retraining by determining the
optimal number of epochs only would not suffice since it does not provide
high accuracy.
The requirements for the set of images for training and model verification were defined. These requirements are best met by the image sets
PASCAL VOC (United Kingdom) and NVIDIA-Aerial Drone (USA).
It has been established that AlexNet (Canada) is a trained model and
could perform image segmentation while object recognition reliability is
insufficient. Therefore, there is a need to improve the efficiency of image
segmentation. It is advisable to use the AlexNet architecture to build a
specialized model, which, by changing the parameters and retraining
some layers, would allow for a better process of image segmentation.
Five models have been trained using the following parameters: learning speed, the number of epochs, optimization algorithm, the type of
learning speed change, a gamma coefficient, a pre-trained model.
A convolutional neural network has been developed to improve the
accuracy and efficiency of image segmentation. Optimal neural network
training parameters have been determined: learning speed is 0.0001, the
number of epochs is 50, a gamma coefficient is 0.1, etc. An increase in
accuracy by 3 % was achieved, which makes it possible to assert the correctness of the choice of the architecture for the developed network and
the selection of parameters. That allows this network to be used for practical tasks related to image segmentation, in particular for devices with
limited computing resources