Самоменеджмент як основна складова в роботі операційного менеджера
Ратушняк, О. Г.
Кавецький, В. В.
Лесько, О. Й.
Ratushnyak, O.
Kavetskiy, V.
Lesko, O.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ЕПВМ [370]
В статті розглянуто різні точки зору щодо поняття «самоменеджмент», зроблено їх узагальнення та визначено, що самоменеджмент це здатність управляти собою, своїми потенційними можливостями, здібностями, знаннями, з метою ефективного використання робочого часу, досягання поставлених цілей найкоротшим шляхом, отримання суспільного визнання, вищої продуктивності в роботі, особистому житті, отримання більшого заробітку, що дає можливість відчувати себе гармонічною людиною в навколишньому світі. Наведено основні складові самоменеджменту, такі як: тайм-менеджмент, тім-менеджмент, стрес-менеджмент, постановка цілей, планування діяльності, ресурс-менеджмент. По кожній складовій самоменеджменту наведені методи та технології, які необхідно враховувати операційним менеджерам в своїй роботі для того щоб ефективно використовувати свій час, продуктивно працювати, та досягати поставлених цілей. The article considers different points of view on the concept of self-management, makes their
generalizations and offers a definition of the term. According to the author’s definition, selfmanagement - the ability to manage yourself, your potential, abilities, knowledge, for effective use
of labour hours, achieving goals in the shortest possible time, gaining public recognition, higher
productivity, personal life, earning more, which allows you to feel yourself a harmonious person in
the world.
The main components of self-management are given, such as time management, team management,
stress management, goal setting, activity planning, resource management. For operations
managers the usage of following methods for effective time management should be useful: B.
Franklin's system, which involves the division of global tasks into subtasks; D. Eisenhower's matrix,
which provides the division of issues into four groups in terms of their urgency and importance; V.
Pareto's principle, according to which it is necessary to allocate 20% of the time for important
tasks, which hypothetically can bring 80% of the result; ABC analysis, which provides the division
of issues into three categories according to the degree of importance; the Alps method, which
should be used for express planning. At the same time, operational managers must take into
account the basic requirements in the case of goal setting: accuracy and specificity of the goal, the
measurability of the goal, attainability of the goal, relevance of the goal, deadline of the goal, etc.
When planning their activities, operational managers must develop long-term, annual, monthly,
weekly and daily plans. Plans need to be developed regularly, they need to be realistic, flexible,
specific performance criteria need to be set, the sequence of tasks needs to be defined, and these
plans need to be written and concorded with each other. Team management involves the creation of
a single team in the unit, for which the operations manager is responsible. Stress management is a
system of enterprise management, which involves the elimination of personal and manufacturing
stresses that occur from time to time in each employee. When managing stress in the enterprise,
operational managers must take into account factors that have a direct and indirect impact on
stress. Resource management - the ability of the operations manager to show competence in selfdevelopment. Self-development involves self-education, self-knowledge, self-assessment of existing
and acquired qualities of the person, as well as the search for information and gaining new
experience for self-improvement.