Соціально-економічні аспекти функціонування агрохолдингів в Україні
Кукель, Г. С.
Kukel, G. S.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ММЕ [360]
Представлено основні результати дослідження сутності та значення агрохолдингів як нової інтеграційної форми організації господарювання в аграрному бізнесі та можливостей їх розвитку в умовах переходу до земельних відносин ринкового типу.
Виділено основні економічні передумови створення холдингів в Україні, та особливості їх функціонування відповідно до законодавства. As a question of research, analysis and estimation of agriholdings in Ukraine is new relatively, their becoming, development and prospects need a corresponding scientific ground. It is especially actual and perspective in a period passing to the landed relations of market type, as it has not only economic but also social and ecological value. The scales of bringing in of earth in the use agriholdings the features of their activity and possibility of perfection of her adjusting compel to study by the state. Actual is research of existent situation creation and activity of agriholdings, realization of estimation of their potential and market positions in the separate regions of Ukraine with accenting of attention on a role in development of agriculture and rural territories.
Some main results of investigation of essence and content of agriholdings as the new integrative forms of economic activity in agrarian business as well as possibilities of its development under conditions of transition to land relations of market type are presented.
The basic economic prerequisites for the development of holdings in Ukraine, and especially their functioning in accordance with the law.
Basic advantages of agriholdings consist in possibility of concentration of capital, decline of unit cost, strengthening of position at the market, price stability, possibility of rapid modernisation of material and technical base and innovative development, the best credit service. Support of rural territories has agriholdings, as a rule, eleemosynary and nonsystem character. The basic lacks of process of development of agriholdings in Ukraine touch repressing neglect social and ecological problems on a village the side of agriholdings.