3-D modeling capabilities for planning rhinologic surgical interventions CT-datasets
Avrunin, O.
Nosova, Y.
Shushliapina, N.
Younouss Abdelhamid, I.
Voitovych, O.
Kalizhanova, A.
Uvaysova, A.
Omiotek, Z.
Войтович, О. П.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ЗІ [362]
The essence of the development is to obtain data from imaging tools, as a rule, spiral computed tomography, which
allows visualizing bone-cartilaginous and soft tissue structures of the nasal cavity with high spatial resolution and
contrast, preparing a 3D model for prototyping using specialized programs - slicers dividing the reproduced object into
sections, taking into account the hardware features of the prototyping device, the 3D printing stage for obtaining a mode
and implementation of this model is given manipulation - training with the help of selected surgical instruments. After a
virtual change in the spatial configuration of the nasal cavity and re-manufacturing of a real model, it is possible to
conduct comparative tests of both full-scale models on an aerodynamic bench to determine and analyse indicators of
nasal resistance – pressure drop and corresponding air flow.