Молодь в науці: дослідження, проблеми, перспективи (МН-2024): Недавні надходження
Відображеня елементи 81-100 із 113
Роль штучного інтелекту в автономних транспортних засобах
(ВНТУ, 2024)Today, technology is becoming an integral part of our daily lives. During the work, the role of artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles was analyzed -
Штучний інтелект: нова зброя у руках кіберзлочинців та шахраїв
(ВНТУ, 2024)In this study, the role of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity has been examined. Thanks to its ability to analyze large volumes of data, identify vulnerabilities in security systems, and forecast potential cyber ... -
Economic crises and problems of social security
(ВНТУ, 2024)The impact of economic crises on social well-being in society is studied. The cause-and-effect relationships of economic and social instability, as well as the role of state policy in mitigating the social consequences of ... -
Study of key stages of marketing strategy for a private enterprise
(ВНТУ, 2024)Marketing strategy is the formation of goals and objectives that the company sets for itself, determination of ways and means of their achievement. This is a tool that allows you to be several steps ahead of your competitors. ... -
Impact of marketing consulting on the development of companies
(ВНТУ, 2024)Consulting in marketing, which is nowadays one of the most significant parts of effective business existence. By combining all methods and tools, advertising consulting is able to help businesses gain a clearer understanding ... -
Development of crowdfunding as a new financial instrument for supporting entrepreneurship
(ВНТУ, 2024)This article explores the way crowdfunding impacts entrepreneurship by facilitating access to funding for innovative projects through online platforms. Despite its advantages, crowdfunding faces challenges such as regulatory ... -
Роль та навички енергоменеджера на виробництві
(ВНТУ, 2024)The role and significance of an energy manager in production are examined in the context of ensuring optimal utilization of energy resources and reducing energy costs. Key skills necessary for successful implementation of ... -
Основні ризики отримання електротравм на залізничному транспорті та їх наслідки
(ВНТУ, 2024)Розглянуто основні ризики отримання електротравм на залізниці, їх причини, заходи запобігання та усунення наслідків. Також приділено увагу нормативним документам які регулюють правила безпеки на залізничному транспорті ... -
Фактори витоку конфіденційних даних з сучасних healthcare-додатків
(ВНТУ, 2024)В публікації приділено увагу проблемам кіберзахисту різних інформаційним healthcare-систем та додатків, а також як це регулюється чинним законодавством та директивами Європейського Союзу. Розглянуто та доповнено перспективи ... -
Impact of industry on the state of the atmosphere
(ВНТУ, 2024)Industry is one of the main components of the state`s economy. In Ukraine, there is a great variety of enterprises of various branches, but the main problem for people is a large negative impact on the environment. Little ... -
Study of human influence on phytocoenoses
(ВНТУ, 2024)Phytocenosis is a set of plant organisms on a relatively homogeneous area that interact with each other, with animals and the environment. Phytocoenoses of any area in their totality constitute its vegetation. Each ... -
Research of environmental technologies of ferrous metallurgy
(ВНТУ, 2024)Ferrous metallurgy, which includes the production of metals such as iron, cast iron, and steel, can have a significant negative impact on the environment through various aspects of its production. Research on greening ... -
Introduction of alternative energy sources in industry
(ВНТУ, 2024)The engineering industry, as a key industry segment, plays an important role in shaping the economic landscape. However, along with its importance, it carries a great responsibility towards the environment. One of the key ... -
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on language learning
(ВНТУ, 2024)The influence of artificial intelligence on language learning is considered, examples and types are given. Various aspects of this influence are analysed, in particular, the development of interactive language programmes ... -
Research of environmental technologies of the energy industry
(ВНТУ, 2024)The energy industry plays an important role in today`s world, providing electricity to millions of people and driving our economy. However, at the same time, the increase in energy production also creates a significant ... -
Implications of artificial intelligence advancements on human society
(ВНТУ, 2024)Popular topics on AI development and scenarios of its implementing in humans lives were discussed. Possible ways of human-AI interaction were discovered. Some threats and concerns related to AI improvement were found. -
Принципи та методи управління в енергетичному менеджменті
(ВНТУ, 2024)In this work, the emphasis is on the principles and methods of management in energy management, reflecting their relevance in modern conditions of economic development. Energy, as an important component of the economy, ... -
Моделювання процесу визначення доцільності створення виробничих підрозділів з технічного обслуговування та ремонту автомбілів в автотранспортних підприємствах
(ВНТУ, 2024)The paper proposed an analysis of the results of modeling the process of determining the expediency of creating production units for maintenance and repair of cars in motor vehicle enterprises. The basis of these results, ... -
Analysis of thermal insulation materials and their use in construction
(ВНТУ, 2024)The authors conducted an analysis of thermal insulation materials, identified the main properties of each group of thermal insulation materials, and determined the key indicators that are crucial in choosing an ... -
Особливості управління структурою капіталу підприємства
(ВНТУ, 2024)The features of managing the capital structure of an enterprise have been studied, the main factors influencing the ratio of equity and debt capital of an enterprise have been identified..