Tools for modeling the level of harmonic distortion in power grids and their impact
Malogulko, Juliya
Teptia, Vira
Ostra, Natalia
Sikorska, Olena
Povstianko, Kateryna
Малогулко, Ю. В.
Тептя, В. В.
Остра, Н. В.
Сікорська, О. В.
Повстянко, К. О.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ЕСС [342]
The impact of harmonic distortions on power grids is a major issue in contemporary power
networks as a result of the extensive application of non-linear loads. The purpose of this article is
to explore the problem of harmonic distortion in power grids and its impact on the elements of the
power grid, such as cable lines and transformers. The Schaffner PQS software product was used in
this study to model power grids. New techniques for modeling power grids and finding technical
solutions that meet the IEEE 519-2014 standard were introduced. The study finds that harmonic
distortion can lead to an additional heat load being placed on cable lines and reduces the power available to transformers, which can decrease their rated power. The application of modern software reduces the time and complexity of calculations, and the availability of software solutions for limiting
harmonic distortion simplifies the creation of solutions that meet this standard. Using the methods presented in the study, engineering solutions can be improved, the reliability of electrical systems
can be increased, and the loss of electrical energy can be reduced. This can enhance efficiency for
design engineers and technical specialists involved in the operation of power grids.