Показати скорочену інформацію

dc.contributor.advisorLazarovych Ihoren
dc.contributor.advisorЛазарович Ігорuk
dc.contributor.authorПолатайко, І. Б.uk
dc.contributor.authorСлободян, М. М.uk
dc.contributor.authorВинник, В. І.uk
dc.contributor.authorPolataiko, Ihoren
dc.contributor.authorSlobodian, Mariiaen
dc.contributor.authorVynnyk, Volodymyren
dc.identifier.citationПолатайко І. Б. Education quality improvement system based on anonymous surveys [Electronic resource] / І. Б. Полатайко, М. М. Слободян, В. І. Винник; наук. кер. Ігор Лазарович // Матеріали L Науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 10-12 березня 2021 р. – Електрон. текст. дані. – 2021. – Режим доступу: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/all-fitki/all-fitki-2021/paper/view/12124.uk
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we propose the solution to the common problem: the evaluation of the education quality in the educational institutions. The proposed solution is based upon the gathering and analyzing anonymous survey information from different stakeholder categories. The result of the analysis is used to build the graph showing the information about the satisfaction level of various categories of stakeholders. The main challenge is to provide the way of passing fully anonymous surveys with the ability to differentiate them by stakeholder categories, that the feedback is given by, and educational categories, that the feedback is given for. The software, built based on the results of this research, uses JavaScript Object Notation Web Token to pass the information regarding certain feedback session, while abstracting from the identity of the person, which leaves the feedback.en
dc.relation.ispartofМатеріали L Науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 10-12 березня 2021 р.uk
dc.subjectquality of educationen
dc.subjectJavaScript Object Notation Web Tokenen
dc.titleEducation quality improvement system based on anonymous surveysen
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Показати скорочену інформацію