Statistical evaluation of the relationship between the components of competitive ion and success in higher mathematics of economic students
Shevchuk, O. F.
Шевчук, О. Ф.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. КН [825]
The paper investigates the correlations between the competition score, the external examination score in
mathematics and the grades in higher mathematics of students in the branch of knowledge 07 "Management and
Administration" of a particular institution of higher education. The calculated values of prognostic validity indicate a fairly close linear relationship between the components of the 2018 competitive selection and the success
(current and final) of freshmen in higher mathematics. Instead, for the 2019 introductory campaign, there is a
downward trend in the correlation between these indicators. The most significant changes were related to the
current success of students in the second semester. This feature is explained by the introduction of distance learning