Моделі та методи управління залученим капіталом на підприємстві
Азарова, А. О.
Краєвська, А. С.
Міронова, Ю. В.
Літун, М.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- JetIQ [189]
Raised capital is a part of the enterprise's capital, which is formed at the expense of external sources, such as loans,
credits, issuance of securities, etc. Raised capital, such as loans, bonds, shares or investments, is an important part of financing a
business. It is an important tool for financing the company's activities, but at the same time it is associated with certain risks.
Achieving effective management of this capital helps to ensure sustainable operation and growth of the enterprise,
ensure financial stability and the ability to pay interest or repay loans on time. A business must determine the optimal mix of
financing that meets its needs and constraints.
Effective management of capital employed can help a company to be more competitive in the market, as it helps to
influence the cost of capital and overall financial profitability.
Factors affecting the capital structure include the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, industry specifics of
operational activity, the size of the enterprise, the cost of capital, the freedom to choose sources of financing, the state of the
capital market and the level of income taxation. Regular determination of capital management efficiency indicators is important for
monitoring the current state of its structure.
The important issues related to the effective use of loans and other forms of borrowed capital to achieve the company's
financial goals are considered in the article. Debt management strategies and tools, optimization of debt service costs, as well as
risks associated with the use of borrowed capital were studied У статті розглянуто актуальні питання, пов'язані з ефективним використанням позикового та інших форм
залученого капіталу для досягнення фінансових цілей підприємства. Досліджено стратегії та інструменти управління
заборгованістю, оптимізації витрат на обслуговування боргу, а також ризики, пов'язані з використанням залученого