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dc.contributor.authorOstapenko, O. P.en
dc.contributor.authorОстапенко, О. П.uk
dc.identifier.citationOstapenko O. P. Application of the methods of green logistics and sustainable development for the synthesis of highly efficient systems of energy supply with heat pumps [Text] / O. P. Ostapenko // Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific conference "Knowledge management, economics and Law", December 5-6, 2019. – Batumi, 2019. – P. 42-44.en
dc.description.abstractGreen logistics is a new scientific field, which provides for the use of advanced logistics technologies and modern equipment in order to minimize pollution and increase the efficiency of the use of logistics resources. The concept of sustainable development, according to [1], aims to maintain economic advancement and progress while protecting the long-term value of the environment. The concept of sustainable development implies the optimal use of limited resources and the use of environmentally friendly nature-, energy- and material-saving technologies at all stages of the life cycle with the production of environmentally acceptable products. The problems of energy efficiency increase of energy generation were studied in numerous studies, published during last years in branch editions [2 – 5] in the world and in Ukraine. The article [2] presents the theoretical approaches to increasing the energy efficiency of municipal heat power engineering with taking into account the concept of sustainable development. As it is noted in [2], three aspects of sustainable development should be considered: economic, environmental and social aspects. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of heat power engineering, it is necessary to identify and implement a number of measures. They should ensure the needs of services and goods at the lowest economic and social costs for the required energy and protection of the natural environment in harmony with sustainable development at all levels of the state, as it is noted in [2].en
dc.publisherNational Institute of Economic Researchen
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 1st International Scientific conference "Knowledge management, economics and Law", December 5-6, 2019 : 42-44.en
dc.titleApplication of the methods of green logistics and sustainable development for te synthesis of highly efficient systems of energy supply with heat pumpsen
dc.title.alternativeЗастосування методів зеленої логістики та сталого розвитку для синтезу високоефективних систем енергозабезпечення з тепловими насосамиua

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