Показати скорочену інформацію

dc.contributor.authorPolyvianchuk, A. P.en
dc.contributor.authorBelousov, I.en
dc.contributor.authorSemenenko, R.en
dc.contributor.authorПолив'янчук, А. П.uk
dc.identifier.citationPolyvianchuk A. Development and implementation methods multicriteria evaluation of efficiency energy saving activities in the field of heat supply [Text] / A. Polyvianchuk, I. Belousov, R. Semenenko // Modern engineering research: topical problems, challenges and modernity : Collective monograph. – Riga : Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2020. – Р. 370-396.en
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, a significant number of cities in Ukraine, in particular, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and others. have joined the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy1 , which provides for the holding municipal authorities measures to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030. Achieving this result requires a new strategy for the use and development of the municipal energy system, which envisages increasing the environmental safety of boiler plants and thermal power plants through the introduction of innovative high-efficiency energy-saving, environmental and economically sound technologies2 . This strategy should take into account such problems of the Ukrainian economy as: outdated technologies and equipment for thermal energy production, high energy consumption and material costs exceeding 2-3 times the corresponding indicators of developed countries; lack of modern environmental protection systems, lack of appropriate legal and economic mechanisms that would encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies, environmental protection techniques, etc.3 At the same time, stimulating the effective consumption of thermal energy by users will allow reduce the resource consumption of urban heating networks, which will reduce environmental pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions4 . Actual scientific task that confronts the communal sector of the economy today is to increase the informative methods for assessing the effectiveness of measures energy saving in the areas of heat supply and heat consumption. To solve this problem, the effectiveness of the measures under study should be considered as a complex value, which takes into account the energy, environmental and economic consequences of their implementation. The purpose of this work was to create and practical implementation method of multicriteria assessment of the effectiveness of energy saving measures with thermal energy of buildings by indicators of energy, environmental and economic effects. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: 1) the creation of a multi-criteria method for evaluating the effectiveness of energy conservation measures in the field of heat supply; 2) realization of the created method for assessing the effectiveness of energy-saving measures recommended for implementation at full-scale facilities.en
dc.publisherPublishing House “Baltija Publishing”en
dc.relation.ispartofModern engineering research: topical problems, challenges and modernity : 370-396.en
dc.titleDevelopment and implementation methods multicriteria evaluation of efficiency energy saving activities in the field of heat supplyen

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Показати скорочену інформацію