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dc.contributor.authorHerasymenko, N. V.en
dc.contributor.authorГерасименко, Н. В.en
dc.identifier.citationHerasymenko N. V. Challenges of translating scientific texts english into Ukrainian: some problems and solutions [Електронний ресурс] / N. V. Herasymenko // Матеріали LIІ науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 21-23 червня 2023 р. – Електрон. текст. дані. – 2023. – Режим доступу: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/all-fbtegp/all-fbtegp-2023/paper/view/17821.en
dc.description.abstractThis article focuses on the challenges of translating scientific terminology English to Ukrainian, including the need for accurate and consistent terminology, the role of context in translation, and the importance of staying up-to-date with scientific developments.en
dc.description.abstractЦя стаття фокусується на проблемах перекладу наукової термінології з англійської на українську, включаючи потребу в точній і послідовній термінології, роль контексту в перекладi та важливість бути в курсі наукових розробок.uk
dc.relation.ispartofМатеріали LII науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 21-23 червня 2023 р.uk
dc.subjectscientific terminologyen
dc.subjectEnglish termen
dc.subjectUkrainian equivalenten
dc.subjectup-to-date translationen
dc.subjectнаукова термінологіяuk
dc.subjectанглійський термінuk
dc.subjectукраїнський відповідникuk
dc.subjectсучасний перекладuk
dc.titleChallenges of translating scientific texts english into Ukrainian: some problems and solutionsen
dc.relation.referencesTranslating Scientific and Technical Texts into Ukrainian" Onyshchenko, O. "Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics" 2019., vol. 10,. P112-117en
dc.relation.referencesTranslating Scientific Texts from English into Ukrainian: Some Problems and Solutions" by Tymoshenko, O. "Scientific Bulletin of Polissia" 2018., vol 8, p. 92-98en
dc.relation.referencesChallenges of Translating Scientific Texts into Ukrainian: A Comparative Analysis" Zavadskyi, O. "Problems and Perspectives in Management". 2020, vol.11, p57-64.en
dc.relation.referencesHadaichuk, N., Herasymenko, N., Melnyk, O., Nykyporets, S., & Slobodianiuk, A. (2020). Stimulation of StudentsCognitive Activities in the Process of Foreign Language Learning. World Science. Vol. 3, № 3: 6-10.en
dc.relation.referencesIbrahimova, L., Nykyporets, S., Derun, V., & Herasymenko, N. (2021). Information and communication technologies as a means of teaching foreign languages in technical universities. InterConf, 91-100.en
dc.relation.referencesNykyporets, S., Medvedieva, S., Hadaichuck, N., & Herasymenko, N. (2022). Information and communication technologies in teaching professionally-oriented speaking to technical students in non-linguistic higher education institutions. In 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Theory and Practice of Science: Key Aspects», December 19-20, 2022.№ 28: 45-53.. Scientific Collection «InterConf+»en
dc.relation.referencesNykyporets, S., & Herasymenko, N. (2021). Relevance of creative thinking development in foreign language lessons for students of non-linguistic universities. Trends and directions of development of scientific approaches and prospects of integration of Internet technologies into society, 6, 343.en
dc.relation.referencesIbrahimova, L., Nykyporets, S., Derun, V., & Herasymenko, N. (2021). Some special features of the work on foreign language professional texts in technical higher education institution. Grail of Science.№ 11: С. 398-404en
dc.relation.referencesNykyporets, S. S., Hadaichuk, N. M., & Herasymenko, N. V. (2021). Innovative distance learning technologies for teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic universities. In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference «Current Issues and Prospects for the Development of Scientific Research». Vol. 46: 76-82.. Scientific Publishing Center InterConf.en

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