Functional safety assessment of one-level coordination of distributed cyber-physical objects
Yukhymchuk, M.
Dubovoi, V.
Kovtun, V.
Юхимчук, М. С.
Дубовой, В. М.
Ковтун, В. В.
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- Наукові роботи каф. КСУ [203]
With local control of a large number of objects that mutually infuence each other, the problem of coordinating local control
systems to achieve the best overall result arises. If the structure of the system (the number of control objects and the parameters of
interaction) can change frequently, then the process of setting up/training a centralized coordinator will take an unacceptably
large part of the action time and require a signifcant amount of resources. In this work, the use of decentralized coordination is
proposed to solve the problem. As a basic task for research on decentralized coordination control of objects that mutually
infuence each other, stabilizing the comfort temperatures was set in multizone rooms using movable heaters. Providing individual thermal comfort is an important problem. In particular, there are many multiarea premises with conficting requirements
for the comfort of habitats. Tis problem can be solved with the help of movable heaters and air conditioners. However, the
presence of heat fows between areas with diferent specifed parameters makes it difcult to adjust them. Te work aims to
improve the quality of thermal control in multiarea premises with a dynamic structure for the location of movable heaters. To
achieve this goal, we proposed the concept of Movable Smart Heaters (MSH). A group of Movable Smart Heaters that could
infuence each other and exchange information forms a dynamic system with a changing structure since switching on/of or
moving one MSH to another area changes the mutual infuence and connections in the system. Te criteria for control quality are
defned and evaluated. Te proposed coordination algorithms make it possible to optimize the operating modes of the system
automatically when its structure and/or settings are changed. Simulation of the system is performed with the use of a worked-out
modelling library in Scilab. Te results of comparing the MSH system’s efciency show an increase in comfort while reducing
energy consumption