Кафедра теплоенергетики: Недавні надходження
Відображеня елементи 1-20 із 276
Моделювання енергоефективності житлової будівлі за умов різних джерел теплової енергії
(Хмельницький національний університет, 2024)The paper presents the results of modeling the process of energy consumption in public, residential, and commercial buildings as a result of the use of various sources of thermal energy. Buildings with such energy sources ... -
Вплив геометричних характеристик оребрення на теплопередачу теплообмінної поверхні
(ВНТУ, 2024)The heat transfer of a single pipe with transverse round fins during forced convection is considered. A mathematical model is proposed for determining the specific heat flow from a liquid to a gas flow during heat transfer ... -
Application of Geoinformation Systems for Assessment of Effective Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Energy Sector of Ukraine
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024)The scientific novelty of the results presented in this article is to substantiate and expand the possibilities of using global and local geographic information systems (GIS) to assess the potential of renewable energy ... -
Assessment of Solar-Driven Green Generation Potential in Renewable Energy Development: Global Forecasts аnd Opportunities for Ukraine
(SAGE, 2024)The study assessed the prospects of solar green generation in the context of modern trends in the development of renewable energy in the world, taking into account the forecast estimates of world energy agencies in the ... -
Аналіз екологічних показників використання традиційних та альтернативних видів палива для різних технологій генерування теплової енергії в котельні
(ВНТУ, 2023)The analysis of environmental indicators of use of traditional and alternative types of fuel for various technologies of thermal energy generation in boiler room is carried out. -
Аналіз техніко-економічних показників застосування теплонасосної установки в тепловій схемі котельні в місті Вінниця
(ВНТУ, 2023)An analysis of the technical and economic indicators of the use of a heat pump installation in the thermal scheme of a boiler house in the city of Vinnytsia was carried out. -
Energy and economic efficient operating modes of the energy supply system with cogeneration heat pump installation
(Scientific Publishing Group “ISG-KONF.COM”, 2022) -
Indexes of energy, economic and environment efficiency of cogeneration heat pump installation in the thermal scheme of heating boiler house
(Scientific Publishing Group “ISG-KONF.COM”, 2022) -
Technical and economic substantiation of the using a heat pump installation for the thermal scheme of the industrial-heating boiler house in Vinnytsia
(Scientific Publishing Group “ISG-KONF.COM”, 2022) -
Feasibility study for the application of heat pump installation in the thermal scheme of the boiler house of the plant of fruit concentrates and wines
(Scientific Publishing Group “ISG-KONF.COM”, 2022) -
Analysis of energy efficiency of thermal scheme of industrial heating boiler house with cogeneration heat pump installation
(Scientific Publishing Center “Sci-conf.com.ua”, 2022)The study analyzes the energy efficiency of the thermal scheme of an industrial heating boiler house with a cogeneration heat pump installation (CHPI). It is determined that the use of CHPI in the thermal scheme will ... -
Substantiation of conditions of effective integration of cogeneration heat pump technologies in the concept of sustainable development
(ВНТУ, 2022)The analysis of peculiarities of estimation of efficiency of application of energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and cost-effective innovative technologies, in the concepts of green logistics and sustainable ... -
Cooling and heating of the fluid in the cylindrical volume
(Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia, 2022)Experimental studies of the non-stationary heat exchange in the system «environment I – body II» have been carried out. It is established that in the body II, which consists of the fluid and thin-walled metal envelope, the ... -
Нестаціонарний теплообмін у вертикальному циліндричному об`ємі, заповненому рідиною
(ВНТУ, 2022)The paper analyzes the conditions of convective heat transfer in the "limited volume" and in the "large volume". It is established that the process of heat exchange in the elements of the basic experimental setup in the ... -
Моделювання комплексної дії заходів з термомодернізації будівлі з урахуванням інвестиційних обмежень
(Хмельницький національний університет, 2023)The article simulates the impact of the complex application of energy-saving measures on the energy efficiency indicators of a public brick building. During modeling, the economic factor – capital investment in energy ... -
Economic and environmental dimensions of energy production with the use of renewable technologies
(Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2023)Przyspieszenie przejścia sektora energetycznego do ekologicznie czystej energetyki za pomocą technologii energii odnawialnej zapewni bezpieczeństwo sektora energetycznego Unii Europejskiej w oparciu o wysoce energooszczędne ... -
Indicators of the efficiency of cogeneration heat pump installation in the thermal scheme of heating boiler house
(SWorld in conjunction with KindleDP, 2022)The study analyzes the indicators of the efficiency of cogeneration heat pump installation (CHPI) in the thermal scheme of heating boiler house. It is determined that the application of CHPI in the thermal scheme of ... -
Application of Geoinformation Systems for Assessment of Effective Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Energy Sector of Ukraine
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022)The scientific novelty of the results presented in this article is to substantiate and expand the possibilities of using global and local geographic information systems (GIS) to assess the potential of renewable energy ... -
Economical aspects of the efficiency of usage of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations of various power levels
(Burgas Free University, 2018)In recent years a number of investigations, dealing with the efficiency of usage cogeneration heat pump installations (CHPI) in energy supply systems (ESS) were carried out [1 – 7]. In this paper the economical aspects ... -
Application of the methods of green logistics and sustainable development for te synthesis of highly efficient systems of energy supply with heat pumps
(National Institute of Economic Research, 2019)Green logistics is a new scientific field, which provides for the use of advanced logistics technologies and modern equipment in order to minimize pollution and increase the efficiency of the use of logistics resources. ...