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dc.contributor.authorSichen, J.uk
dc.identifier.citationSichen J. Strategic Analysis of Lenovo Company. Матеріали LІII науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 20-22 березня 2024 р. Електрон. текст. дані. 2024. URI: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/all-fm/all-fm-2024/paper/view/19359.uk
dc.description.abstractdistinct stages: its initial development, the pivotal IBM acquisition phase, and the current period. During its formative stage, Lenovo embraced diversification and multi-channel strategies to mitigate risks, diversifying into various industries. However, these moves led to financial challenges and diversion from the core PC business. In the subsequent phase, Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's PC business resulted in a dual-brand approach, emphasizing quality, and leveraging low-cost and differentiation strategies. This period marked a significant rise in brand recognition and profitability for Lenovo. The present stage witnesses Lenovo's adoption of a "protect and attack" strategy. The company aims to safeguard its core markets and explore emerging ones while emphasizing new business segments to maintain sales growth. These strategic shifts reflect Lenovo's efforts to adapt to changing markets, leverage core competencies, and maintain its competitive edge.en
dc.relation.ispartofМатеріали LІII науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 20-22 березня 2024 р.uk
dc.subjectStrategic Analysisuk
dc.subjectSWOT Analysisuk
dc.subjectCore Competenciesuk
dc.subjectStrategic Shiftsuk
dc.subjectBusinessDevelopmentLenovo Group Limited was founded in 1984 with an initial investment of 200uk
dc.subject000 RMB by the Instituteof Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 11 technology professionals At that timeuk
dc.titleStrategic Analysis of Lenovo Companyuk

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