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dc.contributor.authorRomanyuk, O. N.en
dc.contributor.authorZavalniuk, Y. K.en
dc.contributor.authorStakhov, O. Y.en
dc.contributor.authorShevchuk, R. P.en
dc.contributor.authorРоманюк, О. Н.uk
dc.contributor.authorЗавальнюк, Є. К.uk
dc.contributor.authorСтахов, О. Я.uk
dc.contributor.authorШевчук, Р. П.uk
dc.identifier.citationRomanyuk O. N., Zavalniuk Y. K., Stakhov O. Y., Shevchuk R. P. Main stages of rendering and the development prospects of its software components. The 3rd International scientific and practical conference «Perspectives of contemporary science: theory and practice», Lviv, April 28-30, 2024. Lviv, 2024. Pp. 372-378.uk
dc.description.abstractThe productivity and realism level of three dimensional images formation significantly depends on the peculiarities of rendering algorithms and methods. Rendering is the process of creating an image a geometrical model using a computer program. To increase the efficiency of images visualization, the improvement of rendering algorithms is constantly being carried out, as a result, the new promising rendering directions are emerging.en
dc.publisherScientific Publishing Center “Sci-conf.com.ua”en
dc.relation.ispartofThe 3rd International scientific and practical conference «Perspectives of contemporary science: theory and practice», Lviv, April 28-30, 2024 : 372-378.en
dc.subjectreal-time renderingen
dc.subjectadaptive renderingen
dc.subjectphysically-based renderingen
dc.titleMain stages of rendering and the development prospects of its software componentsen

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Показати скорочену інформацію