Показати скорочену інформацію

dc.contributor.authorRomanyuk, Oleksandren
dc.contributor.authorZavalniuk, Yevhenen
dc.contributor.authorBobko, Oleksiien
dc.contributor.authorArsenyuk, Ihoren
dc.contributor.authorRomanyuk, Oksanaen
dc.contributor.authorSachaniuk-Kavets`ka, Nataliaen
dc.contributor.authorNykyforova, Larysaen
dc.contributor.authorKotyra, Andrzejen
dc.contributor.authorKozbakova, Ainuren
dc.contributor.authorKalizhanova, Aliyaen
dc.contributor.authorРоманюк, О. Н.uk
dc.contributor.authorЗавальнюк, Є. К.uk
dc.contributor.authorБобко, О. Л.uk
dc.contributor.authorАрсенюк, І. Р.uk
dc.contributor.authorРоманюк, О. В.uk
dc.contributor.authorСачанюк-Кавецька, Н. В.uk
dc.identifier.citationRomanyuk O. N., Zavalniuk Y. K., Bobko O. L., Arsenyuk I. R., Romanyuk O. V., Sachaniuk-Kavets`ka N. V., Nykyforova L. E., Kotyra A., Kozbakova A., Kalizhanova A. Method of combined vector normalization of 3-D objects // Proc. of SPIE «Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2024», Lublin, Poland, 27–29 June 2024 / ed. by R. S. Romaniuk, A. Smolarz, W. Wójcik. 2024. Vol. 13400. 134000O–1-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3054900.en
dc.description.abstractThe paper reveals a method of highly productive determination of normalized vectors for the surfaces of threedimensional objects. The method is based on the approximated calculation of even vectors of the rasterization line by adding the odd neighboring unit vectors. For the determination of further need in the normalization of obtained vectors, the computation of special threshold metrics is proposed. For the accelerated calculation of the threshold metrics, the developed expressions are given. In case of normalization of even vectors, it is recommended to use the developed polynomial approximate expressions. The plots of relative errors between obtained simplified and reference expressions are given. The possibility of increasing the productivity of the method by calculating the shared vector coordinate increments for each rasterization line is analyzed. The experimental research of productivity gain the new method usage is carried out. During the study, the six variants of possible method usage are considered. The results of the research analysis are given in the table. The new method is designed for usage in highly effective visualization systems.en
dc.publisherSociety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineersen
dc.relation.ispartofProc. of SPIE «Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2024», Lublin, Poland, 27–29 June 2024. Vol. 13400 : 134000O–1-8.en
dc.subjectvector normalizationen
dc.subjectsurface shadingen
dc.subjectlinear interpolationen
dc.subjectinverse square rooten
dc.subjectmidpoint vectoren
dc.titleMethod of combined vector normalization of 3-D objectsen
dc.typeArticle, Scopus-WoS

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Показати скорочену інформацію