Аналіз використання методів тайм-менеджменту сучасною молоддю
Ратушняк, О. Г.
Лялюк, О. Г.
Подолянчук, К. В.
Ratushnyak, O. G.
Lyluk, O. G.
Podolyanchuk, K. V.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. БМГА [1580]
- Наукові роботи каф. ЕПВМ [391]
В статті розглянуто поняття тайм-менеджменту та його важливість для сучасної молоді. Проаналізовано існуючі методи тайм-менеджменту та розкрито їх сутність. Проведено аналіз використання методів управління часом сучасною молоддю. Запропоновано практичні рекомендації, щодо підвищення ефективності застосування методів тайм-менеджменту. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of "time management", to analyze the existing methods of time
management, to explore how to manage the time of modern youth and to develop recommendations on the effectiveness and rationality of its use.
The article highlights the relevance of time management for modern youth who need constant self-education, self-organization and selfimprovement in a turbulent information environment. The concept of time management, which should be understood as a set of techniques for
optimal organization to perform tasks with time. Various methods of time management, such as: the system Would be analyzed. Franklin, which is
the distribution of large tasks into smaller ones; Eisenhower's method, which involves prioritization in solving problems; ABB - analysis, which
provides for the classification and placement of tasks according to the degree of importance; the method of "Alps", which includes the compilation of
a list of cases, determining the time intervals of their implementation, prioritization, evaluation of results; the method "Eat a frog for Breakfast"
provides for the implementation of important cases in the morning, the method "tomato" provides breaks every 30 minutes when performing tasks, the
principle of Pareto and others. The analysis of the use of methods of time management of modern youth, who in most cases are able to plan their
time, setting priorities in the implementation of the tasks facing them. The "wheel of balance" was built, which showed that the main values of young
people are spiritual development and their environment. Recommendations on time management for young people in the modern information
environment have been developed.
For effective time management it is necessary: to plan the time in the short, medium and long term, to prioritize the tasks, to deal with time
sinks, to break down complex tasks into simpler ones, to delegate opportunities, their tasks, to engage in self-motivation.