Oranization-Managerial Mechanism of the Couneraction to Non-Observable Economic Processes in the Agricultural Sphere of Ukraine
Moroz, O.
Semtsov, V.
Savina, N.
Shvarts, I.
Bezsmertna, O.
Bilokon, T.
Piliavoz, T.
Мороз, О. О.
Семцов, В.
Савіна, Н. В.
Шварц, І. В.
Безсмертна, О. В.
Білоконь, Т. М.
Пилявоз, Т. М.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЛМ [154]
The paper substantiates the author’s approach to the problem of the counteraction to nonobservable economic processes in the agricultural sphere of Ukraine. The approach is based on the monitoring of
the actions of the risk groups on the market. It is demonstrated the essence of the problem, characteristic features and
possible consequences of the non-observable economic processes in the agricultural sphere. The attention to
universal principles-guidelines as the basis of the system of counteraction to non-observable economic
processesis focused.It is established that the modern system of state regulation of the national economy does not
provide the sufficient risk management. Main risks of non-observable economic processes occurrence in Ukrainian
economy (information, political, social, financial economic) are defined, lack of the possibility to form the stable
social economic system without the efficient risk management is established. Special attention is paid to the necessity
of the improvement of the institutional environment in the context of the counteraction to non-observable economic
processes context.