Vibroabrasive machining of large-size products on hydropulse drive machines
Iskovych-Lototsky, R. D.
Bulyha, Y. V.
Kobylyanska, I. M.
Kotyra, A.
Kalizhanova, A.
Amirgaliyev, Ye.
Іскович-Лотоцький, Р. Д.
Булига, Ю. В.
Кобилянська, І. М.
Котира, А.
Каліжанова, А.
Аміргалієв, Є.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ГМ [397]
The paper considers the issue of complex shape items surface depuration together with the most appropriate hydropulse drive future
oriented equipment, used in order to address this challenge adequately. There had been considered the mathematical model of the vibration
machine with complex space load, developed on the base of the structural chart and behavior pattern. There had been presented the results of the
research of the test model plant with the hydro pulse drive for vibroabrasive depuration of the inner surface of the tubular items.