Professional orientation of fundamentalization of mathematical training of future technical specialists
Kolomiiets, A.
Тiutiunnyk, O.
Stakhova, O.
Fonariuk, O.
Dobraniuk, Yu.
Hensitska-Antoniuk, N.
Коломієць, А. А.
Тютюнник, О. І.
Стахова, О.
Фонарюк, Д.
Добранюк, Ю. В.
Генсицька-Антонюк, Н.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ВМ [650]
Mathematical training is a fundamental part of the general professional
training of future engineers. Fundamentalization of mathematical training is an
important way to improve the quality of mathematical training of future engineers,
aimed at the formation of future technical specialists of mathematical competencies in
the context of their training. The purpose of the study is to experimentally test the
effectiveness of the proposed method of fundamentalization of mathematical training
of future engineers on the example of students in Electronics and Telecommunications
area of study, to make statistical calculations, to correlate the quality of teaching
mathematics and special disciplines.